Comunicazioni Orali
P. Maiorano, F. Capezzuto, R. Carlucci, L. Ciardo, G. D’Onghia, L. Sion, A. Tursi – Long-term data on the demersal faunal assemblages in the Central Mediterranean
M. Gaglio*, A. N. Muresan, G. Castaldelli, E. A. Fano – Macrobenthic variability in streams and rivers of Northern Italy (*Presenta A.N. Muresan)
G. Castaldelli, M. Milardi, M. Lanzoni, V. Aschonitis, A. Gavioli, E. A. Fano – The inconvenient truth on the fish fauna of Italian lowland waters
M. Bologna, F. Boero, L. Bonato, A. Casale, M. Curini Galletti, B. Massa, A. Minelli, M. Oliverio, A. Vigna Taglianti, M. Zapparoli – The new Checklist of the Italian fauna
P. Galli*, M. Labra, M. Casiraghi, S. Montano, D. Seveso, D. Maggioni, S. Malatesta, M. Schmidt, E. dell’Agnese, A. Savini, M. G. Strepparava – bARKoding: bioinformatics data to improve environmental quality and human health of an endangered insular system: the case of Magoodhoo Island- Maldives (*Presenta D. Maggioni)
R. Cimmaruta, G. Nascetti – Long term biodiversity studies foster Virtual Research Environments: the case of the Tarquinia salterns
Poster Digitali
A. Stanisci, M.L. Carranza, V. Calabrese, A. Evangelista, A. Stinca – The first standardized and accessible database describing Mediterranean high-elevation vegetation in Italy: “VIOLA”
A. N. Muresan, M. Gaglio, G. Nobili, G. Castaldelli, E. A. Fano – Changes of functional attributes in benthic communities of a Mediterranean pond system along a salinity gradient
Comunicazioni Orali
M. Santamaria, B. Balech, B. Fosso, C. Manzari, M. Marzano, C. Gissi, T. De Filippis, A. Zingone, G. Pesole – Biomolecular Thematic Centre: recent advances and future perspectives
C. Bergami, B. Balech, A. Boggero, F. Cianferoni, P. Colangelo, S. De Felici, N. Fiore, A. Oggioni, C. Pierri, L. Roselli, E. Stanca, P. Tagliolato, I. Rosati – The key role of semantics for data integration and interoperability in biodiversity and ecosystems research
P. Diviacco, D. Pavlov, F. Malfatti, A. Busato, Y. Emelianov, D. Mouromtsev, P. Del Negro – A new Semantics based environment to support collaboration in tackling the emergent marine ecosystem diversity treat of the marine microplastics
N. Fiore, I. Rosati, E. Stanca, C. Bergami, A. Oggioni, P. Tagliolato, C. Carrubba – The LifeWatch-ITA Core Ontology and its application to the Phytoplankton domain
G. Donvito – eXtreme DataCloud: flexible and high-level tools for Data Life Cycle management for the LifeWatch community
A. Chiarucci, F. Attorre, S. Martellos, R. Venanzoni – Novel services for plant sciences in the LifeWatch Infrastructure
I. Rosati, B. Balech, C. Bergami, A. Boggero, P. Bombi, F. Cianferoni, P. Colangelo, S. De Felici, N. Fiore, M.T. Manca, A. Oggioni, C. Pierri, P. Tagliolato – The LifeWatch Italy Data Portal: from data sharing to analysis
Oggioni A., Zilioli M., Tagliolato P., Pugnetti A., Carrara A. – Communicating infrastructures: what biodiversity metadata tell us – Zenodo
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S. De Felici, A. Oggioni, C. Fugazza, F. Cianferoni, P. Tagliolato – Geo-referencing of biodiversity data in the LifeWatch Italy infrastructure: updates and perspectives verificare abstract
B. M. Padedda, P. Casiddu, A. Oggioni, P. Tagliolato, A. Lugliè – Share water sample metadata: an example from Sardinia LTER-Italy marine and freshwater sites
S. Martellos, P. L. Nimis – Project Dryades: 15 years of biodiversity informatics
G. Donvito, M. Antonacci, V. Spinoso, S. Nicotri, F. Zambelli, M.A. Tangaro – An innovative PaaS solution to support Big Data Analytics and Workflow management via Galaxy
P. Colangelo, B. Balech, A. Boggero, P. Bombi, N. Fiore, A. Oggioni, C. Pierri, P. Tagliolato – Opportunities and challenges of Virtual Research Environments for biodiversity study
C. Pierri, P. Colangelo, C. Bergami, B. Balech, F. Cianferoni, S. De Felici, N. Fiore, A. Oggioni, P. Tagliolato, I. Rosati, A. Boggero – Assessing habitats vulnerability – a macroecological approach within the LifeWatch Italy “Alien Species Show Case”
F. Marelli, F. Foglini, M. Albani, R. Leone – EVER-EST: a VRE for the Earth Science Community
M. Eliezer, M.Lipizer, B. Cataletto, A. Giorgetti – Processing of occurrence biodiversity datasets to be distributed in the European infrastructures EMODnet Biology and SeaDataCloud
S. Vicario, M. Adamo, C. Tarantino, A. Regos, P. Blonda – ECOFAHRE (ECOsystem Functional Attributes High Resolution Estimator) service
P. Mazzetti, M. Santoro, R. Lucas, P. Blonda, S. Nativi – The ECOPOTENTIAL Virtual Laboratory
A. Provenzale, M. Giamberini, C. Marangi, P. Blonda – ECOPOTENTIAL: Using Earth Observation to Protect Natural Ecosystems
Poster Digitali
C. Giacoma, M. Gamba, A. Rolando, C. Palestrini, O. Friard, S. Mazzola, G. Buscaino, E. Papale, G. Pavan, N. Fiore, A. Basset – Interactive acoustic classification and the foundation of a knowledge base for the Mediterranean environment
Comunicazioni Orali
V. E. Cambria, F. Buffi, F. Attorre, M. De Sanctis, G. Fanelli, M. Massimi, R. Testolin, E. Del Vico, T. Sitzia, T. Campagnaro, M. Perfetti, P. Semenzato, A. Rizzi, B. Michielon, S. Iacopino, C. Piazzi, T. Quetri, C. Pirovano, K. Rossi, D. Cesaroni, V. Sbordoni, S. De Felici, G. Trimani, E. Chiancone, D. Luise, C. Rinzafri, M. Minicuci, S. Martellos – City Nature Challenge: an effective Citizen Science approach for monitoring urban biodiversity
S. De Felici, P. Mazzei, T. Dinolfo, F. Gioli, C. Labriola, V. Sbordoni, D. Cesaroni – Natural history forums as source of valuable biodiversity data
F. Sangiorgio, D. Calcagnile, V. Gjoni, F. Cozzoli, N. Fiore, A. Basset | Online competition and serious games to stimulate student’s interest on ecological issues
B. Gumiero, F. Di Grazia, F. Tassi – Citizen Science Osservatorio – an active node within Italian Citizen Science Network
R. Trevisi*, D. Petruzzella, S. Scorrano – Influence of citizen science tools in the monitoring of marine alien species (*Oral Communication presented by Gaetano Ladisa)
S. De Felici, C. Marangoni, M. Pinzari, G. Riccarducci, G. Colosimo, L. Merzagora – “OCCHIO ALLE PENNE”: a crowdsourcing collection digitization experiment
A. Provenzale, MS. Giamberini, C. Marangi C., P. Blonda – A Virtual Museum on Ecosystems