

Le pubblicazioni relative al progetto USEit sono elencate in questa pagina.

  • Giacalone VM, Badalamenti F, Buffa G, Camedda A, D’Anna G, De Lucia G, Gristina M, Massaro G, Montalto V, Rinaldi A, Zenone A, Pipitone, C., 2024. Monitoraggio degli spostamenti e del comportamento del granchio blu Callinectes sapidus: approccio metodologico e sperimentale. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 28(1): 212-215. Available at:

  • Di Muri C, Azzurro E, Strafella P, Rosati I, 2024. Adopting operational synergies for the study and integrated management of invasive alien species. Simposio “Cambiamento della Biodiversità nell’Antropocene: priorità nella ricerca”, 2024. PDF

  • Giacalone VM, Badalamenti F, Buffa G, Camedda A, Cucco A, D’Anna G, De Lucia GA, Gristina M, Massaro G, Montalto V, Rinaldi A, Zenone A, Pipitone C, 2024. The effect of water temperature on movements and home range of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus in a Mediterranean lagoon: preliminary results. The Crustacean Society (TCS) Meeting, 2024  PDF

  • D’Amen M, Bonora N, Azzurro E, 2024. Exploring the impact of temporal resolution on detecting shifts in the invasive species niche: Insights from Lessepsian fishes. Journal of Animal Ecology, 00: 1–11. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.14137

  • Azzurro E, Bonanomi S, Chiappi M, De Marco R, Luna GM, Cella M, Guicciardi S, Tiralongo F, Bonifazi A, Strafella P, 2024. Uncovering unmet demand and key insights for the invasive blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) market before and after the Italian outbreak: Implications for policymakers and industry stakeholders. Marine Policy, 167: 106295. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2024.106295

  • Di Muri C, Azzurro E, Rosati I, 2023. Using operational synergies for the study and integrated management of invasive alien species in Italy. In GenOA week 2023, DOI:
  • Rosati I, Di Muri C, Giacalone VM, Lauteri M, Loru L, Mancinelli G, Pipitone C, Pollegioni P, Strafella P, Azzurro E, 2023. Using operational synergies for the study and integrated management of invasive alien species in Italy. Available at:
  • Viviano A, Cocco A, Colangelo P, Delitala GM, Pantaleoni RA, & Loru L, 2024. Worldwide distribution and phylogeography of the agave weevil Scyphophorus acupunctatus (Coleoptera, Dryophthoridae): the rise of an overlooked invasion. NeoBiota, 90: 53–78. , DOI: 10.3897/neobiota.90.101797
  • Cianferoni F, Tortorici F, Pataleoni RA & Loru L, 2023. The spread of two alien species of assassin bugs, Zelus renardii Kolenati, 1857 and Nagusta goedelii (Kolenati, 1857) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae) in Sardinia (Italy). Heteroptera Poloniae – Acta Faunistica 17: 131–135, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8436170
  • Ciolfi M, Chiocchini F, Pollegioni P, Volterrani C, Badalamenti E, La Mantia T & Lauteri M, 2023. A multidisciplinary approach for studying the invasion mechanisms of the alien tree species Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle. XIV Convegno Nazionale sulla Biodiversità PDF
  • Grati F, Froglia C, Souissi JB, Bolognini L & Azzurro E, 2023. The blue swimming crab Portunus segnis (Forskål, 1775) reaches the Adriatic Sea: a distant and disjointed occurrence. BioInvasions Records, 12. DOI: 10.3391/bir.2023.12.4.15
  • Giacalone VM, Badalamenti F, Buffa G, Camedda A, D’Anna G, De Lucia GA, Gristina M, Massaro G, Montalto V, Rinaldi A, Zenone A & Pipitone C, 2023. Studio degli spostamenti e del comportamento del granchio blu Callinectes sapidus: approccio metodologico e sperimentale. 52° Congresso della Società Italiana di Biologia Marina.
  • Tortorici F, Bombi P, Loru L, Mele A, Moraglio ST, Scaccini D, Pozzebon A, Pantaleoni RA & Tavella L, 2023. Halyomorpha halys and its egg parasitoids Trissolcus japonicus and T. mitsukurii: the geographic dimension of the interaction. NeoBiota 85: 197–221 (2023), DOI: 10.3897/neobiota.85.102501
  • D’Amen M, Smeraldo S & Azzurro E, 2023. Salinity, not only temperature, drives tropical fish invasions in the Mediterranean Sea, and surface‑only variables explain it better. Coral Reefs volume 42, pages467–472, DOI: 10.1007/s00338-023-02357-9
  • Cianferoni F, Tortorici F, Pantaleoni RA & Loru L, 2023. Diffusione di due predatori alieni in Sardegna: Zelus renardii e Nagusta goedelii (Hemiptera Heteroptera Reduviidae). XXVII Congresso Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia PDF
  • Azzurro E, Smeraldo S & D’Amen M, 2022. Spatio‐temporal dynamics of exotic fish species in the Mediterranean Sea: Over a century of invasion reconstructed. Global Change Biology, 28(21), pp.6268-6279, DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16362

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