Ilaria Rosati from LifeWatch Italy has been invited to the OntoPortal Workshop (Montpellier, Fr – 26,28 September) as a panelist to represent EcoPortal, the repository of semantic resources developed by LifeWatch ERIC and co-managed with the Italian national node. During the session, together with the representatives from the other anthologies repositories, will provide feedbacks on how they use or plan to use the ontology repositories provided by the alliance.
The development, promotion, and sharing of semantic resources to support scientific research are some of the activities in which LifeWatch Italy is most active. The synergy with other global realities, such as OntoPortal, are fundamental to ensuring the coordination of the development of such digital resources. All those interested in the development and management of semantic resources (ontologies, vocabularies, thesauri, etc.) are invited to participate in the public online session on Wednesday 28 September from 14:00 to 18:00 (CET) by filling in the registration form.