ITINERIS will build the Italian Hub of Research Infrastructures in the environmental scientific domain for the observation and study of environmental processes in the atmosphere, marine domain, terrestrial biosphere, and geosphere, providing access to data and services and supporting the Country to address current and expected environmental challenges. The main goal is to develop cross-disciplinary research in environmental sciences through the use and re-use of existing (or pre-operational) data and services and new observations, to address scientifically and societally relevant issues such as sustainable use of natural resources, implementation of Nature-Based Solutions, Green and Blue Economy, pollution reduction, critical zone and ecosystem management and restoration, carbon cycle, mitigation of the downstream effects of climate and environmental change.
LifeWatch will offer services and support to other Research Infrastructures for the standardization of measurement protocols, data handling, and interoperability, following the FAIRness principles. Furthermore, LifeWatch willdevelop the Virtual Research Environments for data analysis and modelling of future scenarios in ITINERIS’ domains of interest.