In November, a new big Italian project “ITINERIS” started, and it will build the Italian Hub of Research Infrastructures in the environmental scientific domain.
For this project, the National Research Council of Italy is recruiting several positions (fixed-term technologists and researchers).
All the positions are available at this link.
In particular, at the Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems seat of Lecce (Italy) we are seeking:
2 technologists
with a minimum of three years’ experience in management of Research Infrastructures and/or in organization and management of training programs.
4 technologists
with a minimum of three years’ experience in the development, enhancement, and management of European Research Infrastructures and/or in the management of digital resource platforms and/or in the implementation and adoption of FAIR-enabling best practices in the field of RIs and digital objects (atmospheric, bio-geosphere, marine fields).
4 technologists
with a minimum of three years of experience in research and development activities in the field of Knowledge Organization and representation for data interoperability, in the scientific field and/or the Semantic Web and Linked Open Data and/or methods and technologies for ontologies designing and knowledge graphs and/or techniques and methods for analysing and extracting patterns from knowledge graphs.
1 technologist
with a minimum 3 years of experience in laboratory and field experimental research activities, in the collection, analysis and modelling of ecological data on functional traits of aquatic plant and animal species and/or on biodiversity and ecosystem processes, also in relation to global warming, for their use in virtual research environments.
2 technologists
with a minimum of three years’ experience at least three years of experience in Project management and/or Financial and Budget management and/or HR management or possession of the title of Research Doctor or a PhD relevant to the field of experience requested.
1 technologist
with at least 3 years of experience in project management and/or experience in economic and financial management and/or in personnel management and organisation.
2 researchers
one with at least three years of experience in laboratory and field experimental research activities, in the collection, maintenance and analysis and modeling of ecological data on functional traits of species on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. A second with a minimum of three years of experience on ecosystem responses to climate change through laboratory and field studies with observation, monitoring and modelling approaches in relation to abiotic and biotic forcings and with applications in Virtual Research Environments designed to address scientific questions that require a significant commitment to the harmonization and interoperability of data and the required computing power.
Suitable candidates are encouraged to reach out to and for informal inquiries.
The deadline for the submission of the application is the 9th of February.