The University of Bologna has opened the call for applications to the research fellowship Harmonization of morpho-functional and ecological traits to study response patterns of plants to global changes for LifeWatch Italy in the framework of the LifeWatchPlus and CIR01_0028 projects.
Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Alessandro Chiarucci
Duration: 12 months (renewable for 12 more)
Deadline: 15/11/2021
Requirements for candidacy:
Master Degree / specialist or old system or equivalent in biology, physics, chemical sciences, natural sciences, forestry and environmental sciences and technologies, geological sciences and technologies, environmental and territorial sciences and technologies, mathematics, statistical sciences with at least three years of proven research experience on coherent topics with those of the announcement or research PhD on topics consistent with those of the call. with appropriate scientific and professional curriculum.
Competences/requirements laid down for candidates:
1. Research PhD on topics consistent with those of the call;
2. 3 years of experience in activities carried out in the priority areas identified within the National Strategy of Intelligent Specialization (https://bit.ly/2ULo25M) and the MUR programming for research in the period 2014-2020 (https://bit.ly/2SoEZI9);
3. Previous collaborations with public and private scientific institutions;
4. Proven research and development activity in the field of biodiversity informatics, ecoinformatics, or other areas of integration between biodiversity research to the management, development, analysis and synthesis of plant biodiversity data, with particular regard to these of species distribution;
5. Knowledge of opern access digital archives for research products (publications, data, software, etc.) and knowledge of the Opern Science paradigm (https://ec.europa.eu/research/openscience/index.cfm) and the FAIR principles (https://www.go-fair.org/fair-principles/);
6. Knowledge of the procedures for harmonizing data and metadata;
7. Knowledge of the main statistical analysis and modeling techniques;
8. Knowledge of written and spoken English.
Click here to see the other positions currently opened for LifeWatchPlus.