

In this page, you find all the products related to the USEit project.

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  • Data Management Plan The DMP defines the common and coordinated strategy adopted in the USEit project for the management of research products on invasive alien species following the principles of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) and Open Science. The DMP takes into account all phases of the data lifecycle to ensure that the data collected and generated during the project activities are quality controlled, documented, archived and preserved for the long term, interoperable and made accessible for reuse in other projects or research activities.


  • Synthesis from a national survey This document stems from the responses to a national survey about the research activities focusing on the collection of data on Non-Indigenous Species (NIS) and provides an initial base for assessing the type and quantity of this information. The aim of this document is to stimulate reflections and concrete proposals to improve research processes on NIS in the light of current scientific knowledge, and to identify gaps and criticalities in data collection processes in order to improve the management of biological invasions in Italy, in both aquatic and terrestrial environments.

USEit is a project funded by the National Research Council of Italy

USEit è un progetto finanziato dal Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche