The Scientific Committee for Italian Fauna (CSFI)

The Scientific Committee for Italian Fauna (Comitato Scientifico per la Fauna d’Italia – CSFI) was officially established in 1989. The aims of the CSFI are: a) the planning, organisation and scientific supervision of the volumes to be published in the series “Fauna d’Italia”, sponsored by the Italian National Academy of Entomology (Accademia Nazionale Italiana di Entomologia) and the Italian Zoological Union (Unione Zoologica Italiana – UZI); as well as the planning, organisation and scientific supervision of other publishing initiatives, through any medium, relating to wildlife in general; and b) providing scientific advice. The CSFI is a non-profit organisation and its members are not paid for their work. Available funds derive from grants and allocations from public or private bodies (national or international), private citizens or scientific consulting bodies. The CSFI uses these funds to implement its scientific and publishing initiatives.

Italian Fauna Checklist

The Series “Fauna d’Italia” is a series of scientific monographs on animal groups occurring in Italy and its seas. Each monograph is full of essential information on the diversity, systematics, biology and distribution of the Italian (sometimes European) species of the taxon to which the volume is devoted. The series has been published since 1956 by Edizioni Calderini, Bologna, under the auspices of the National Italian Academy of Entomology and the Italian Zoological Union. Since 2003, the series has been published under the patronage of the Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea Protection. At the moment (April 2021) 53 monographs have been published, including 3 topographic-synonymic catalogs, on 29 orders of metazoans, 30 on insects, 16 on beetles. More than 25,000 pages have been published in all, about 9,880 species have been treated, equal to about 15% of the entire Italian fauna. Other volumes are in print or in preparation.

Vol. 1 – 1956 – Odonata – C. Conci, C. Nielsen – 308 pp. (80 spp.)

Vol. 2 – 1956 – Leptocardia – Cyclostomata – Selachii – E. Tortonese – 334 pp. (1 + 3 + 60 spp.)

Vol. 3 – 1960 – Ephemeroidea – M. Grandi – 474 pp. (75 spp.)

Vol. 4 – 1959 – Mammalia – Generalità, Insectivora, Chiroptera – A. Toschi, B. Lanza – 488 pp. (12 + 27)

Vol. 5 – 1964 – Mutillidae – Myrmosidae – F. Invrea – 302 pp. (55 + 6 spp.)

Vol. 6 – 1965 – Echinodermata – E. Tortonese – 422 pp. (102 spp.)

Vol. 7 – 1965 – Mammalia – Lagomorpha, Rodentia, Carnivora, Ungulata, Cetacea – A. Toschi – 648 pp. (6 + 28 + 14 + 9 + 12 spp.)

Vol. 8 – 1965 – Coleoptera – Cicindelidae, Carabidae (Catalogo topografico) – M. Magistretti – 512 pp. (1218 spp.)

Vol. 9 – 1967 – Rhynchota – Heteroptera, Homoptera Auchenorrhyncha (Catalogo topografico e sinonimico) – A. Servadei – 851 pp. (1375 + 788 spp.)

Vol. 10 – 1970 – Osteichthyes – Pesci ossei – parte prima – E. Tortonese – 566 pp. (165 spp.)

Vol. 11 – 1975 – Osteichthyes – Pesci ossei – parte seconda – E. Tortonese – 636 pp. (271 spp.)

Vol. 12 – 1976 – Coleoptera – Dryopidae, Elminthidae – M. Olmi – 280 pp. (17 + 27 spp.)

Vol. 13 – 1978 – Diptera Nematocera – Simuliidae – L. Rivosecchi – 536 pp. (80 spp.)

Vol. 14 – 1979 – Coleoptera – Haliplidae, Hygrobiidae, Gyrinidae, Dytiscidae – M.E. Franciscolo – 804 pp. (22 + 1 + 14 + 187 spp.)

Vol. 15 – 1979 – Hirudinea – A. Minelli – 152 pp. (28 spp.)

Vol. 16 – 1980 – Coleoptera – Histeridae – P. Vienna – 386 pp. (164 spp.)

Vol. 17 – 1980 – Coleoptera – Anthicidae – I. Bucciarelli – 240 pp. (92 spp.)

Vol. 18 – 1982 – Coleoptera – Carabidae. I – Introduzione, Paussinae, Carabinae – A. Casale, M. Sturani, A. Vigna Taglianti – 500 pp. (69 spp.)

Vol. 19 – 1982 – Coleoptera – Staphylinidae – Generalità – Xantholininae – A. Bordoni – 434 pp. (80 spp.)

Vol. 20 – 1983 – Ephydridae – Canaceidae – S. Canzoneri, D. Meneghini – 338 pp. (160 + 2 spp.)

Vol. 21 – 1984 – Crustacea – Copepoda: Calanoida (d’acqua dolce) – E. Stella – 102 pp. (21 spp.)

Vol. 22 – 1985 – Lepidoptera – Noctuidae. I – Generalità, Hadeninae, Cucullinae – E. Berio – 972 pp., 32 tavv. (110 + 178 spp.)

Vol. 23 – 1985 – Cladocera – F.G. Margaritora – 400 pp. (109)

Vol. 24 – 1986 – Tardigrada – W. Maucci – 388 pp. (204)

Vol. 25 – 1987 – Coleoptera – Staphylinidae – Omaliinae – A. Zanetti – 472 pp. (200 ca. spp.)

Vol. 26 – 1988 – Coleoptera – Cerambycidae (Catalogo topografico e sinonimico) – G. Sama – 216 pp. (267 spp.)

Vol. 27 – 1991 – Lepidoptera – Noctuidae. II – Sezione Quadrifide – E. Berio – 710 pp., 16 tavv. (181 spp.)

Vol. 28 – 1991 – Coleoptera – Meloidae – M.A. Bologna – 542 pp. (61)

Vol. 29 – 1992 – Aves. I – Gaviidae – Phasianidae – P. Brichetti, P. De Franceschi, N. Baccetti (eds) – 964 pp. (151 spp.)

Vol. 30 – 1992 – Diptera Sciomyzidae – L. Rivosecchi – 270 pp. (80 spp.)

Vol. 31 – 1993 – Crustacea – Amphipoda di acqua dolce – G.S. Karaman – 338 pp. (89 spp.)

Vol. 32 – 1993 – Coleoptera – Nitidulidae – Kateretidae – P.A. Audisio – 972 pp. (168 spp.)

Vol. 33 – 1994 – Coleoptera – Elateridae – G. Platia – 430 pp. (243 spp.)

Vol. 34 – 1996 – Coleoptera – Staphylinidae – Leptotyphlinae – R. Pace – 328 pp. (157 spp.)

Vol. 35 – 1997 – Coleoptera – Lucanidae – M.E. Franciscolo – 228 pp. (9 spp.)

Vol. 36 – 1998 – Acari – Ixodida – G. Manilla – 280 pp. (36 spp.)

Vol. 37 – 1999 – Hymenoptera – Dryinidae – Embolemidae – M. Olmi – 426 pp. (133 + 3 spp.)

Vol. 38 – 2003 – Mammalia. III – Carnivora – Artiodactyla – L. Boitani, S. Lovari, A. Vigna Taglianti (eds) – 434 pp. (17 + 9 spp.)

Vol. 39 – 2004 – Chaetognata – E. Ghirardelli, T. Gamulin – 158 pp. (30 spp.)

Vol. 40 – 2005 – Hymenoptera – Sphecidae – G. Pagliano, E. Negrisolo – 560 pp. (380 spp.)

Vol. 41 – 2006 – Coleoptera – Aphodiidae – Aphodiinae – G. Dellacasa, M. Dellacasa – 484 pp. (128 spp.)

Vol. 42 – 2007 – Amphibia – B. Lanza, F. Andreone, M.A. Bologna, C. Corti, E. Razzetti (eds) – 538 pp. (44 spp.)

Vol. 43 – 2008 – Plecoptera – R. Fochetti, J.M. Tierno de Figueroa – 340 pp. (160 spp.)

Vol. 44 – 2008 – Mammalia. II. Erinaceomorpha – Soricomorpha – Lagomorpha – Rodentia – G. Amori, L. Contoli, A. Nappi (eds) – 736 pp. (2 + 15 + 6 + 31 spp.)

Vol. 45 – 2011 – Reptilia – C. Corti, M. Capula, L. Luiselli, E. Razzetti, R. Sindaco (eds) – 800 pp., 58 tavv. (9 + 27 + 22 spp.)

Vol. 46 – 2011 – Porifera I – Calcarea, Demospongiae (partim), Hexactinellida, Homoscleromorpha – M. Pansini, R. Manconi, R. Pronzato (eds) – 554 pp., 16 tavv. (185 spp.)

Vol. 47 – 2012 – Mammalia V. Chiroptera – B. Lanza – 786 pp., 47 tavv. (39 spp.)

Vol. 48 – 2012 – Orthoptera – B. Massa, P. Fontana, F.M. Buzzetti, R. Kleukers, B. Odé (eds) – 563 pp., 185 tavv., 1 CD Rom (349 spp.)

Vol. 49 – 2015 – Mammalia IV. Cetacea – L. Cagnolaro, B. Cozzi, G. Notarbartolo di Sciara, M. Podestà (eds) – 390 pp. + 105 tavv. (23 spp.)

Vol. 50 – 2015 – Marine Rotifera – W.H. de Smet, G. Melone, D. Fontaneto, F. Leasi – 254 pp. (118 spp.)

Vol. 51 – 2017 – Ascidiacea of the European Waters – R. Brunetti, F. Mastrototaro – 472 pp. (379 spp.)

Vol. 52 – 2019 – Hymenoptera – Symphyta I – F. Pesarini – 435 pp. (98 spp.)

Vol. 53 – 2019 – Lepidoptera – Coleophoridae – G. Baldizzone – 907 pp. (293 spp.)

An updated checklist of the terrestrial, freshwater and marine species of Metazoa of the Italian fauna is provided. The dataset currently includes over 25,000 species/subspecies. The taxonomic classification, scientific name, author and year of description are provided for each species/subspecies, as well as the distribution in Italy (by terrestrial/marine macro-regions or by administrative regions) and in neighboring areas outside the current political borders of the country, including the Republic of San Marino and the City. of the Vatican. Chorotype (eventually), the status of exclusivity (endemics) and allochthony, any taxonomic and distributive notes, pertinent literature and synonyms are also given.


Marco Alberto BOLOGNA




Other members

Davide Badano (University of Siena)

Lucio Bonato (University of Padova)

Diego Fontaneto (CNR-IRSA)

Bruno Massa (University of Palermo)

Federico Marrone (University of Palermo)

Alessandro Minelli (University of Padova)

Marco Oliverio (Sapienza University of Roma)

Roberto Poggi (Civic Museum of Natural History, Genova)

Legal office:

c/o Department of Biology and Biotechnology “Charles Darwin”, Sapienza University of Rome, Viale dell’Università, 32 – 00185 Roma, Italy


prof. Marco Alberto Bologna (President), Department of Sciences, University of RomaTre, Viale G. Marconi, 446 – 00146 Roma,Italy,  phone +39 3290570914 +39 06 57336327, fax + 39 06 57336321, E-mail:

prof. Marzio Zapparoli (Secretary-Treasurer), Department for the Innovation nei sistemi Biologici, Agroalimentari e Forestali (DIBAF), University of Tuscia, Via San Camillo de Lellis snc – 01100 Viterbo, Italy, phone +39 0761 357 472, fax +39 0761 357 389, E-mail: