LifeWatch Italy supports SItE 2021 Congress

From 25 – 27 October, the Italian Society of Ecology and the Italian University of Salento are organising the XXX Congress of the Italian Society of Ecology (SItE), with the support of LifeWatch Italy.

The initiative will take place on the Microsoft Teams platform, with free access and mandatory registration.

The Congress will be divided into round tables and sessions, following the topic “Ecology for an ecological transition”, and will address the theoretical, experimental and methodological bases of ecology, taking into account the challenges of the Green Deal, the Ecological Transition and the 2030 SDGs.

The round tables will be attended by international experts, who will discuss issues such as managing chemical impact on the health of ecosystems, ecosystem services for human wellbeing, and fostering climate resilience through landscape ecology.

During the event, the winners of three awards will be announced: the Luigi & Francesca Brusarosco Prize and the Antonio Moroni Prize, both to be given to young researchers in Environmental Sciences, with the chance to study and work abroad in a research centre for 3 – 6 months, and the Giuseppe Montalenti & Riccardo Cattaneo Veietti Prize, which recognises members of the Italian Society of Ecology at the start of their career.

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