The sRedList platform is being developed by a joint effort of the sRedList working group and LifeWatch Italy. The former being in charge of the development of the server architecture, which includes the scientific design of the platform, the writing of the underlying R code for the analyses and, with the support of LifeWatch Italy, the development of APIs in R Plumber. The latter being in charge of the development of the client architecture, which includes the operational development of the sRedList platform concerning the interactive and computing aspects. The extinction risk of species is globally monitored by the IUCN Red List (RL). Despite the goal to update extinction risk assessments at least every 10 years, over 21000 species (ca. 18% of those assessed) currently have outdated assessments. The resources needed to keep assessments up to date present a clear sustainability challenge.  By bringing together RL practitioners and ecological modellers, we aim to develop an innovative, rapid, and consistent framework for prioritizing RL assessments.