The FAIR-IMPACT project will support the implementation of FAIR-enabling practices, tools and services across scientific communities and across research outputs at a European, national, and institutional level. FAIR-IMPACT will translate and adapt solutions across scientific domains on persistent identifiers, metadata and ontologies, metrics, certification and interoperability aspects via a set of integrated use cases in the social sciences and humanities, photon and neutron sciences, life sciences and agri-food, and environmental sciences. These solutions will enable repository managers, research performing organisations, funders and policy makers to support FAIR data management, and researchers and citizen scientists to produce FAIR data. LifeWatch Italy is involved in the review and analysis of semantic artefact community practices and governance models to establish their role for EOSC. It also contributes to establish guidelines for FAIR semantic artefacts from creation, to sharing and reuse, via repositories and catalogues. The Institute for Terrestrial Ecosystems Research of the National Research Council (CNR-IRET) is involved in the analysis of community practices related to semantic artefacts and in the revision of related governance models. It also contributes to the creation and support of domain/discipline-specific semantic artefact catalogues federated and coordinated within EOSC (European Open Science Cloud).