Discovering Castelporziano

To complete the game Discovering Castelporziano, you have to reach three objectives that run as themes through the estate: exploring it, traveling into its past and its history; focusing on its artistic and cultural aspects; and visiting the reserve to discover the ecological and biodiversity heritage it safeguards.

If you want to find out more about these aspects, you can refer to the material available at the following links: Castelporziano and the Laurentino, The Roman Villas in Castelporziano, The Castle and the Village, The Historical and Archaeological Museum, The Carriage Pavilion and The natural environment of Castelporziano.

  • Objectives:

Objective One – Getting to know Castelporziano
Start your journey of discovery in the Presidential Estate of Castelporziano.

Objective Two – Castelporziano at the centre of Science.
Castelporziano is of immense artistic, historical, cultural and naturalistic interest: explore just how much you know!

Objective Three – The reserve: biodiversity and ecology.
At Castelporziano you’ll find a great diversity of animal and vegetable species; get to know them (better)!

This game is intended for any age group and is available only in Italian.


Images: Photo Archive Castelporziano Presidential Estate, Sheila Gibson 1996 and Claridge Amanda (2007), I. Consalvo