The Portuguese Ecological Society – SPECO, together with the European Ecological Federation – EEF, calls the United Nations to establish the Ecology Day on 14th September 2018. The date is symbolic as it refers to the publication date of the modern definition of the ecology concept by Haeckel. In fact, this proposal directly follows up on the celebration for its 150th anniversary organized by the EEF back in 2016 and concluded by a Round Table held at the European Parliament in Brussels.
Would you like to join/support Ecology Day? – Like and share the Ecology Day facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ecologyday – Read and share the proposal to UN for the establishment of an ‘Ecology day’ – Join the events foreseen for 14/09/2018
14/09/2018, Lisbon (Portugal), “Ecology for a Sustainable Development” organised, a debate organised by SPECO (http://www.speco.pt/pt/iniciativas/ecology-day/63-eventos-2018);
14/09/2018, Cagliari (Italy), Training Day “Promoting education to sustainibility and disseminating innovative practises in Ecology teaching”, SItE Annual Conference (https://www.congressosite2018.it)
13/09/2018, “A guided tour to the urban permaculture project of FCUL”, Lisbon (Portugal) (http://hortafcul.wixsite.com/home);
“Changes in distribution patterns of epiphytic bryophytes in urban environments and their ecological and climatic significance”, provided by the cE3c (http://ce3c.ciencias.ulisboa.pt/). – Organise your event for the ‘Ecology Day’. Please, contact Alberto Basset (alberto.basset@unisalento.it) and/or Maria Amélia Martins-Loução (maloucao@fc.ul.pt)