Friday 15 December 2017, the General Assembly of the Joint Research Unit LifeWatch-Italy (JRU LW-ITA) met in Rome, at the National Research Council headquarters, for the first time since its recent renewal.
Established by nine members in 2010, the JRU LW-ITA counts thirty-one members today, among those the National Research Council (coordinator), the Secretariat General of the Presidency of the Republic, the National Academy of Sciences, about twenty universities, government agencies, research institutes, consortia and associations (please click here to browse all JRU LW-ITA members). Over time, many key actors and stakeholders of the field of biodiversity and ecosystem research have been joining making possible to have today a JRU gathering a rich variety of skills and expertises, from metagenomics to ecology, from collections to mediterranean ecosystems, from ICT to citizen science, making LW-ITA an unique example of cooperation among different disciplines.
“LifeWatch, providing ICT tools and resources for biodiversity and ecosystem research, has a natural vocation to cross discipline boundaries. I am glad to see that the Italian scientific community was ready to take up the challenge joining LW-ITA.” says Alberto Basset, Interim Director of LifeWatch Service Centre and acting Manager of JRU LW-ITA, “This first meeting was focused on the renewal our statutory bodies and the advancement of our national activity plan. New members are enthusiastic to work with the JRU and others have already asked to join the group.”
“LifeWatch, providing ICT tools and resources for biodiversity and ecosystem research, has a natural vocation to cross discipline boundaries. I am glad to see that the Italian scientific community was ready to take up the challenge joining LW-ITA.” says Alberto Basset, Interim Director of LifeWatch Service Centre and acting Manager of JRU LW-ITA, “This first meeting was focused on the renewal our statutory bodies and the advancement of our national activity plan. New members are enthusiastic to work with the JRU and others have already asked to join the group.”